Menopause and not hitting the panic button

Wow Wow Wow.

I could seriously talk all day about the constant fight I have put up against my body with menopause, and now the absolute peace I feel at finally understanding what was happening and why.

If you are in a place of despair, I am so sorry, but I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel and one day you’ll wake up, and not cry your eyes out at either how you are feeling, or catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, that’s my story anyway.

So much to lose, and so much to gain.

if you are at the start of your time of researching for the best thing ever to do to tackel menopause and how are you are feeling, do yourself a huge favour and make sure your credit cards stay in your purse.

Menopause has now become a product, and everyone and their dog is trying to sell women their vitamin pills as the answer to your dreams. Over the last 10 years, I cannot tell you how many supplements i have spent money on thinking that it’s ‘the answer’.

The truth of the matter lies in the fact that it really DOES matter what you eat and when, and how you fuel yourself to put your body and mind in the best position possible for the future.

Instead of spending money on supplments, turn your attention to practitioners who talk about nutrition.

I have done the research for you:

If you live in Scotland Cara Redpath for the win. I am now a client of hers, and I will report back on all my findings from the tests that have been run on me.

Why do I make the difference with being in Scotland? Out diet is just a bit different up here, and Cara’s food plans don’t have you looking for seaweed sheets. There are just some foods that Scottish people don’t do!

Pippa Campbell is also excellent and also has a book that will really open your eyes to the baffling symptoms you may be experiecing.

Nutrition, and your mindset. Reducing stress, but most of all, step away from that panic button, where you might go down the rabbit hole of trying all the tablets, then giving up after 2 weeks because it feels like nothing is working.

Please get in touch if I can help further , email me on

Let me know how you get on!

Elizabeth x