How to congratulate yourself.


I was out for a walk today when I had this thought.

How many times after a day/week/month/or even an hour do you congratulate yourself on a job well done?

When do you even just take a minute to acknowledge how much you’ve accomplished, or do you just move onto the next job, or the next thing that’s going to put your stress levels through the roof?

I have spoken to so many people this week who have done great things, and have also done very hard things, and I saw that moment come and go, and they just moved on without celebrating the little win.

I know I do this myself. I get to the end of the day, and I just think, right, what’s next?

Right now, I’m going to make a iist and give myself a pat on the back, and I would encourage you to do the same thing, and see how you feel.

Here goes:

I deep cleaned my freezer and fridge and both look super duper sexy clean now

I made a packed lunch and even a packed dinner on another day, and instead of rushing home to do tasks, I stopped off on the riverside and had a meal and just took a moment.

I matched up all my tupper ware with the lid first time

I remembered to take my vitamins every morning

I managed to stay out of Greggs ( I have a counter on my phone for days I have stayed out… )

I know I gave 150% to every clients that visited this week.

Is this gratitude or is this being kind your yourself? This is a genuine question. Hit the reply button and let me know. What I know for sure though is, we really do need to take a minute to appreciate the good things we have managed to do in the day.

Collate those little wins.

Let me know what you think.

