Elizabeth Bandeen

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Hook, line, and sinker. How NOT to get reeled in by adverts targeting menopausal symptoms.

Oh boy. Here we are again.

It’s my own fault. I keep clicking onto the advert links, to see what claims are being made, and now I am getting more adverts popping up, all claiming to be ‘the one I am looking for’.

This is worse than a dating app. It literally could be the same analogy. Kissing many many frogs, until you find the one that is ‘just right’. You find the one, (supplement) you get on great for ages, then it gets a bit snippy, and you chuck it in the bin (still talking about the supplement).

So, what’s to do?

As women, are we always going to be on a endless hunt looking for the one, and doing a lot of sampling and fact finding when we get there, only to be badly let down realising that it’s just NOT working. It’s not you, it’s me, we’re just not a good fit. I am still talking about the supplement here, but I am having WAY too much with the associated analogies!!!

Here is my list of go to problems solving habits to help give you the answers you need about menopause, and all the associated symptoms.

Stop doom scrolling

It’s just so difficult but, the answer you seek is not rock and scrolling whilst trying to get to sleep. Take it from me. I have wasted about £3k ball park figure on stuff that just didn’t work. Been there, done that, gone down the rabbit hole.

Instead, set up your bedroom as a calm space, lavender on your pillows for the win, dig out a good book to get stuck into, and feel your hear rate come down. Also, be protective about your sleep schedule. I was paying so much attention to exercise and nutrition, that I have only recently recognised that I am only getting about 5 hours decent sleep a night. Even I need to dial in on this.

Don’t beat yourself up at the gym and don’t starve yourself either

How many times have you possibly tried to beat a sugar addiction, and/or overeating, and you tell yourself you’ll start Monday, so you knock 10 bells out of it over the weekend, and feel rubbish. Again. Talking from experience. Whatever you feel you need, start now. Today. Even if it’s Thursday.

A big long walk? More water during the day? Planning your food instead of cooking or shopping when hungry? Make a plan to see friends? Meet friends of the big long walk!

Be aware of possibly bing eating

This is the most HORRIBLE thing you can say to another human being, but when people reach their 40s, yes their hormones change, and that can also affect your metabolism, and also, if you body tells you it’s sated. I have really had to knock it on the head with going back fro 2nds. I can absolutely assure that going back for 2nd is the main reason I put weight on during menopause, and the one that causes the most psychological trouble, in my opinion. Don’t DIET, don’t starve yourself, just be extra aware of having one kitkat, then all of a sudden you’ve had 4. I am talking from experience here!


If you are work from home, empty your desk, get everything off it, and out of it, give it good clean, only put back what you really need. The more organised I am, the less stressed I am. I won’t go on and on about this one because it’s either for you, or it isn’t. Also giving your bedside tables a good declutter as well could be a good thing.

Wear, and use, lovely things, every day.

I know this sounds an odd one but don’t keep your clothes and perfume for best. Don’t just wear makeup on a night out too, wear it so that whenever you walk past a mirror you feel good about yourself. Skincare is a big thing for me, and I find that when I invest in stuff that actually works, I just feel a whole lot better about myself and my skin loves me for it. If you feel you need to up the ante on your skincare or it just needs a bit extra, a lovely facial oil added to your moisturiser will do the trick!

Turn the shower cold

It’s amazing how disassociated you can get from your body, and you’ve probably done all the reading about cold water therapy. It’s doesn’t have to involve going to the seaside of finding a loch. Start simple! Do your ablutions in the shower, then turn the water as cool as you can manage, and stay there for 60 seconds. It’s amazing you much it can help you regulate your body temperature and stress.

If you can control your stress responses in cold water, you can learn to control your stress responses to other situations too!

So there you have it. My top tips, that you can do, all for FREE. No subscription required.

I am going to shamelessly plug my online menopause course and workbook which is absolutely crammed full of other lifestyle habits to get into, and tell you a lot more about myself. It’s a digital online course with life time access and a workbook you can print off, including tracking sheets for the most common symptoms and help keep a log of what is happening to you.

Here is the link! https://www.elizabethbandeen.co.uk/workshops/online-menopause-workshop